Improve Your Riding

Be the Change that Improves Your Horse

To change you and to improve your riding you need to improve communication with your horse. Communication with your horse is developed through sensory awareness and how you move. Improper or inefficient movement in the saddle can prevent progress or disturb your horse’s motion.

A program of movement lessons and riding instruction that aims for greater awareness and efficient functioning of horse and rider in synchronization will result in better performance. This program is individualized to each horse and rider.

.Do you struggle with one or more of these challenges?

  • 286961_139893419433499_2876958_oHave trouble sitting the trot or canter?
  • Lack confidence?
  • Wish you had better balance?
  • Feel like you pull on the reins too much?
  • Often lose your stirrups?
  • Sit unevenly?
  • Are you in pain?
  • Does your riding dream not match your reality?
  • Has your trainer all but given up on you?

If you answered yes to any of these, specially designed movement lessons help riders like yourself replace the unnecessary effort and habits that get in your way. For me, these lessons elevated me past a multi-year plateau and I refer to them as “The Plateau Buster!”  Using these movement lessons on and off the horse, I have helped numerous individuals improve their seat, so they sit the trot and canter easily, communicate more clearly with their horse and sit evenly. You can improve your ability to track all that you are doing, more easily, with greater refinement and improved confidence for better riding. Allow me to help you get past what is limiting you! I have helped riders of all ages, abilities, riding disciplines with a variety of goals. Their riding changed for the better and their horse’s performance improved! If you are a beginner struggling with balance and/or confidence or an advanced rider searching for a breakthrough or coming back from injury, let me help you to find your full potential! Please see my testimonial page for my students’ feedback.